Towards a more active and functional school

How would you facilitate exercise in school to activate the more passive children, too? How would you engage children and teenagers to make plans for exercise during a school day?

Exercise is connected to learning and the development of the brain. All children should exercise moderately at least for an hour per day. However, from a pedagogical point of view and for the organization of daily routines, it may be challenging to coordinate 60 minutes of exercise for all students every day.

Watch this video to learn about exergaming in schools.


Let’s activate the passive children and help the lively children concentrate

Exergames can make passive children more active and help the livelier ones concentrate better. Many schools have discovered that students with short attention spans gain better learning results when their classes/days include exergaming with iWall or runBEAT. Quick, high-intensity exercise during the day also helps with official recommendations for high-intensity, high-tempo exercise. As exergames provide a quick circuit workout, they are a simple way to fulfill the day with a huge number of physical exercises.

iWall works great for anyone regardless of age, background, gender, or ability. Studies have also shown that iWall can make passive children more active.


Positive exergaming experiences as part of every school day

With iWall games, children learn to win and lose, express themselves and develop their friendship skills. Exergames have been found to be a positive influence on the school environment, social relations, and kids’ motivation.

School lobbies, halls, and other common spaces can be used for active education that helps children play and build social skills through exergames. Although iWall is designed for exercising, it is not usually used in physical education. Many schools have found it useful for rewarding students and dividing classrooms into smaller groups, for instance.

iWall can be used before and after the school day, in class, and during recess. Quick, high-intensity exercise during the day has been proven to increase pupils’ concentration levels. It is also helpful when commuting students are waiting for their ride and for club activities and in evening and weekend use. In many schools, iWall is used by sports clubs and other clubs and stakeholders when it is not in use by students.

A good practical solution is a booking calendar that the teacher can use to book iWall for their class and group. Students also often play with school assistants and special education teachers. Schools may also have iWall godparents or iWall tutors who arrange functions, events, and weekly contests where they cheer the players on. What’s more, schools may set challenges and goals regarding exercise and iWall games for students. An undeniable classic is students vs. staff!


Exercise that improves equality and integration

iWall works great for anyone regardless of age, background, or gender. It is a fine tool for team building and it increases the number of casual, yet meaningful encounters among various age groups.

iWall is perfect for special needs groups. We have also received feedback saying that it improves equality and inclusivity. Although student-specific skills may vary quite a lot, iWall connects people regardless of their skill level. In addition to local schools, we have delivered iWall to special-needs schools, institutions for the handicapped, and hospital schools. Cognitive, neuropsychiatric, motoric, or emotional challenges do not prevent anyone from exergaming.


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