We hope to see you at Bett 2023 on 29 – 31 March at ExCel London, UK!
We will be attending the Bett 2023 and we are bringing iWall to the show. Meet us and learn how to activate pupils and provide inclusive and accessible experiences as part of every school day.
We have been providing exergaming products since 2012 and operate in more than 50 countries globally. All our products renew and update automatically to keep kids active and motivated.
Positive exergaming experiences as part of every school day
With exergames, children learn to win and lose, express themselves, and develop their friendship skills. Exergames have been found to be a positive influence on the school environment, social relations, and kids’ motivation.
Inlusive and accessible exergames
Exergaming is engaging for students with varying interests and abilities. It removes boundaries between different groups, creating a more inclusive and harmonious school environment.
See you at our booth SP20!
The opening hours are 10:00 – 18:00 on 29 – 30 March, and 10:00 – 17:00 on 31 March.