Everyone can participate in exergaming, either playing together or watching friends play. Exergames create a joyful learning environment where feelings of community and success are felt, and which promotes equality.
Watch the video (in Finnish) of how Edvin Laine’s school principal Minna Taipale, preschool teacher Tiina Rissanen and special education teacher Emmi Happonen discuss their experiences with the exergaming product iWall and how it has been involved in promoting equality at the school.
There is a constant buzz in the hall of Edvin Laine’s school in Iisalmi, Finland. The reason is the iWall exergaming product, which has moved kids and teens since 2017. It gathers pupils together to play and encourages players.
Exergaming is inclusive
The benefits of exergames are versatile. In addition to giving kids more exercise during school days, the iWall exergaming product increases inclusion. Edvin Laine’s school is also attended by kids who have, for example, functional limitations or cognitive difficulties, as well as those who are in the scope of special education. Student-specific skills vary a lot. However, the iWall, located in the school’s downstairs hall, is especially perceived as a unifying factor independent of skills.
“Equality and inclusivity in iWall fulfill brilliantly. The students don’t care if anyone has any limitations, the kids involve very different students in exergaming. The joy of exergaming together and inclusive activity is realized extremely well.”
-Minnt Taipale, Principal of Edvin Laine School
Even surprising pairs take part in races together on iWall, which develops kids’ tolerance and understanding of differences, as well as social skills such as interaction and friendship skills. A kid who has difficulty participating in group exercise often finds exergames to be meaningful and accessible from their peers and socialize. Joy and feelings of community and success are born, which are easy to join alone, with a friend or an assistant. When the kids line up next to each other to queue up for their turn, everyone is together.