
For multi-professional rehabilitation


The exercises utilize virtual glasses, a balance board, a motion sensor, and a touch screen. Creating an individual rehabilitation program is easier when the rehabilitator's progress can be measured in real-time.


The initial ability of the customer can be verified as the health professional receives diverse feedback on the exercises. After the exercise, the health professional can clearly see the results and all exercise data is stored for follow-up.


A health professional can adjust the level of difficulty as well as many other settings to build different exercise programs.

For neurological rehabilitation

rehabWall is suitable for improving and restoring sensory and cognitive abilities and a wide range of motor skills.

For example, rehabWall can be used in unilateral paresis rehabilitation, or playing a memory game can be used to combine cognitive and hand function rehabilitation.

For occupational therapy

Incorporating rehabWall into your rehabilitation program can make it a much more motivating and pleasant experience for the user. The content is fun and engaging for users of different ages. In addition, the users can use the rehabWall alone without the assistance of a health professional.

suitable for
independent use

rehabWall includes two sections, touch screen exercises that can be performed alone and VR, motion camera, and balance board exercises that can be used alone or with the assistance of a health professional.

Development of rehabWall

The development of the rehabWall began in 2017 together with therapists from the intensive rehabilitation department of the Kajaani Health Center. Since then, we have developed the product in a customer-oriented manner and are committed to developing it well into the future.

The development of the rehabWall began in 2017 together with therapists from the intensive rehabilitation department of the Kajaani Health Center. The primary client group at the time was stroke rehabilitators. Therapists participated in the development of rehabWall and evaluated the development progress monthly. At times, they came along with the stroke rehabilitators to test rehabWall. The feedback from therapists and rehabilitators was valuable. This allowed the development work to proceed. When rehabWalls development was completed, it was introduced to the intensive rehabilitation department of Kajaani Health Center. The product development has continued in collaboration with them to this day.

In early 2021, customers received the rehabWall 2.0 update. rehabWall 2.0 is suitable for developing a wide range of motor and process skills as well as cognitive and sensory abilities. The use of rehabWall has expanded to multidisciplinary rehabilitation. We develop products in a customer-oriented manner. We update rehabWall with new features and improvements several times a year. Updates happen automatically.

Currently, rehabWall has 14 different rehabilitation games. Before the exercise, the therapist can adjust the content and difficulty of the level, and in some games, even during the exercise. rehabWall has observation, weight transfer, mobility, body management, and activation exercises. Some of the exercises are designed to develop several skills and attributes. The user interface divides the exercises into two sections: independent exercises and exercises together with a therapist.

The initial ability of the customer can be verified as the health professional receives diverse feedback on the exercises. After the exercise the health professional can clearly see the results and all exercise data is stored for follow-up. Creating an individual rehabilitation program is easier when the rehabilitator’s progress can be measured in real-time.

“Using the device has also been a nice thing for families to do when they have come to visit a relative at the ward. Gamification can provide a pleasant break from everyday life at the hospital ward."

“Using the device has also been a nice thing for families to do when they have come to visit a relative at the ward. Gamification can provide a pleasant break from everyday life at the hospital ward."

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